The Happy Path

Living From the Inside

Living From the Inside

“Happiness comes from the inside” “Be true to yourself” We hear phrases like this all the time. But how many of us know how to make them reality? Our reality? Each of us is a unique and complete being. From the moment of birth, a brand new, living spark incorporated into an amazing, beautiful, complicated world. With the inherent privilege to experience it. And the opportunity to contribute something no one else ever can. While we all have equal value, equal right to take up the space we occupy, and equal opportunity to contribute something special, we don’t have equal…
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Don’t Wait to Be Invited into Your Own Life

Don’t Wait to Be Invited into Your Own Life

Do you have a sense that there’s something you’re here for, things you want to do, opinions you want to express, but you haven’t yet encountered the situation that made that feel right? Are you waiting for someone to give you permission, to tell you it’s okay? This resistance does not develop in a vacuum. It’s not a result of some fundamental defect. There may be people in your life who have made you feel like it’s not okay. Probably without even meaning to. At some point in your life, you may not have gotten something you needed. And the…
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It’s Okay to Be Where You Are

It’s Okay to Be Where You Are

Wherever you are right now, today, in your emotional state, in your ability to handle life… It’s okay. It makes sense. There’s a reasonable explanation. For how happy you are. For what you are able to handle compared to other people. For what you know and don’t yet know. But “I am who I am” only applies right now, in this moment. It’s not an excuse to stay there. Stasis is death A lesson I learned recently from fiction writing—If a character is not growing and changing, the story will not work. The same is true in life. There is…
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Life is like a… Bubble?

Life is like a… Bubble?

Concepts come to me in pictures. They always have. I hear words and my mind kicks into gear building images that represent the ideas and relationships. I visualize to understand, to explain, to remind myself of key concepts when life gets challenging. The Bubble represents how an individual experiences life. I envision life as a river. A river of water. A river of air. It varies. And it doesn’t matter. The river moves swiftly. Sometimes it’s calm and sometimes it’s turbulent, confusing and chaotic. For our journey on this river of life, we are each given an individual and separate…
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