The Happy Path

Holding on Too Tight

Holding on Too Tight

Early in the 1986 movie “Top Gun”, fighter pilot Cougar finds himself in an intense confrontation with the enemy and freezes up. He struggles to safely bring the plane back to the aircraft carrier and nearly crashes. He’s become unable to take the risks necessary to do his job because he is worried about his wife and child—what will happen to them if he is killed. He turns in his wings, with the explanation “I’m holding on too tight. I’ve lost the edge.”

When things aren’t going too badly, when I’ve found a vanilla routine without too many discomforts, especially if I’ve recently pushed through a difficult time, it’s easy to slip into complacence. To begin making choices designed to keep things as they are. Safe. Predictable. Comfortable.

The longer I hold onto that comfortable existence, the greater the risk in disturbing it. The stakes rise until I’m afraid to make a move that would shake that foundation.

Sometimes I need a reminder that life is not supposed to be easy or safe or comfortable. I need a push to recognize that I’ve settled in and become too attached to that comfort and routine.

Recently, a timely reminder has come into my life and I wanted to share it. The same message, stated in different ways from two different sources.

A reminder that I need to let go of the protective walls I’ve built, step out and take a risk. Because there are things I want to do in life. And there will never be room for them while I’m carrying and clinging to the things that keep me safe and comfortable.

If you’re holding on too tight to your comfort zone and need a reminder… Here are the two that the universe sent my way:

The first came from writer and writing coach Jennifer Blanchard. In one of her daily emails, she wrote about how we can never fully achieve our dreams if we are holding on to a backup plan. As long as we are comfortable, we won’t push ourselves to do whatever it takes. I’m not finding this exact content on her web site to provide a link, but many of her posts have similar theme. (If you read her blog, expect to be pushed, and expect explicit language).

The second reminder was this podcast from Save The Cowboy.

If a Christian message and preaching style make you uncomfortable, you may want to skip it.

“Four Steps to a Fantastic Future – Step One” January 1, 2017 (Direct link to MP3 audio)

Other ways to find the podcast:

Save The Cowboy – Podcast on iTunes

There are wonderful things out there for us, if we can just find the courage to step out and try!

I took the photograph above from a hot air balloon several years ago. Leading up to this experience, I was terrified. As the ride went on, most of the fear was replaced by awe. It was an amazing experience and I’ve always been glad I pushed myself to do it.

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